Seattle, WA, March 2010 – Michel Gagne and Fuelcell Games are pleased to bring their independent video game, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, to Xbox Live® Arcade.
Michel Gagne and Joe Olson, CEO of Fuelcell Games, met in 2007 in Seattle’s Fremont district where they discussed the possibility of bringing feature quality 2d animation to the gaming world in a classic side-scrolling adventure. Shortly after, a production team was assembled and Fuelcell Games was born. Their mission: bring the vision of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet to life.
“This is one of the most thrilling projects of my career”, said Gagne. “I love working on ITSP with Joe and his team. It amazes me to see how they’re able to expand on my concepts and animations and create such a memorable interactive experience. Simply put, this game is going to rock!”
The Fuelcell team has been busy building a studio infrastructure and quietly working with Gagne on ITSP while exploring partnerships to develop the game. After months of negotiation with several entities, it was decided that Microsoft and Xbox LIVE Arcade was the best possible home for the project.
“The team here at Fuelcell is incredibly excited to be starting production in full force on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet”, said Olson. “We’ve assembled an extremely talented, dedicated, and passionate group of people around this unique project. The combined forces of our team of game industry veterans, Michel’s unique artistic style and vision, and Microsoft’s expertise in the downloadable game space is sure to make for a lasting impression on 2D gaming.”
“Microsoft is thrilled to have Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet heading to Xbox LIVE Arcade”, said Saxs Persson, Senior Director of Xbox LIVE Arcade. “We look forward to helping Michel and Fuelcell realize their creative vision, and continuing to support independent developers looking to drive innovation on our service.”
For more information on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet visit www.insanelytwistedshadowplanet.com or the official blog at http://michelgagne.blogspot.com.
I was so hoping this would be PC, ps3 or wii..
Yay! Finally! It's best to purchase games twice everyone-
Sooooooo sad there's no PC version :(
Anyway... great to hear this news.
There is no PC version? please tell me there is
Oh no, this is so disappointing. I've been following this game for little over a year now, only to find that it wont be coming to PC. I feel like I have wasted so much time lurking here.
Someone please tell me this is for PC to, we have lost too many good AAA games to consoles, please dont tell me we're losing indie games too.
No one here is saying that there won't be a PC version ;)
To be fair to all, I'd have loved for it to come out on all consoles & PC/Mac. Looks like its gonna be an exclusive for XBLA. Hopefully after the exclusivity ends in a couple of years, we might see it available on other formats.
"No one here is saying that there won't be a PC version ;)"
By Michel Gagne himself.
That is a relief, seriously if this game comes out for PC i'd be almost tempted to buy 2!
I just watched the trailer. I then felt alarm when it didn't state what it was coming out for at the end. One click to the blog and there was a stonkin' big 360 logo. Relief was felt, and I assure you, this game will be purchased.
Awesome news Michel!
"No one here is saying that there won't be a PC version ;)"
I really, really want you to post this exact phrase, but in regards to the PS3. (Like many) I was floored by the trailer when I saw it back in July of last year - and as a whole, I'm thrilled this game is getting published. I'm very happy for you guys.
Just a little sad for me, 'cause I wont get to play it >.<
Luckily, as a platform agnostic (and fortunate enough to have them all), I'm just plain thrilled to hear it is moving forward at all. I think it would have been a perfect fit nestled in on PSN with the artier games, but XBLA is a great place for it as well. Long as I got an analog stick.
For everyone else: keep in mind Braid, Everyday Shooter, and World of Goo all came to PC. ITSP would look good in Steam, too.
Game looks great! I'm no longer an Xbox 360 player...(multiple RRoDs) Would love to see this on PlayStation 3's PSN!
Hell Yeah! I've watched the trailer many times the last few months amazed by the very cool gameplay and music. I had assumed it was a PC indie game, so I am really happy to hear it's coming out for XBLA. Way to go guys, this will surely be very successful. Now get back to work!
This game looks incredible! Please have it available on steam!
Well, if I understand microsoft's game publishing politics well, "No one here is saying that there won't be a PC version ;)" - is an absolute maximum of what developers can say regarding other platforms. Since it's microsoft, i really doubt that there would be ps3 or wii, but PC has all chances, in 6-12 months late.
Anyone got any idea when we can expect a PC release (if any)?
Would it be close to the XBLA release date, cause im afraid of an exclusive agreement lasting months. I hope this is not the case, if anybody can shed light on this it would be GREATLY appreciated.
Ok, Shadow Complex, Limbo, and now THIS???!!! I am running out of reasons NOT to buy a 360. I'm no fanboy, but I just didn't have enough money for both a PS3 and 360. So I got a PS3 1st. Michel, is there any chance at all of this coming to other consoles??? (and judging by that 360 planet up there, I bet you can't comment on that, but it was worth a shot!)
I can't believe this is only coming out on the 360.
Thanks for leaving us PS3 users out in the cold.
It's a good thing I have an Xbox 360, now isn't it?
I hope now that they have a specific platform they're shooting for, they'll be able to make fast progress and launch the game soon. I'd love more frequent updates too. *hint, hint* Being a developer myself, I'd be interested in some more technical details (don't give away all your secrets of course, but some detail about how you make everything so pretty would be nice).
Trailer looks awesome. Love that you got Dimmu Borgir for the music in it too. Just hope you guys can get some more of there music in the full version, that would be epic.
yeah, sad not to see that on PS3... loved to see that,
lets to this, im sure you can do it !
"No one here is saying that there won't be a PC version ;)"
Good to know that this isn't XBox Live only :) Even if this means no PS3 version, its still good to hear.
I was getting a little scared that I was going to miss it.
Thanks for the info Michel ;)
It seems a great game, and I hope it also for PC and Wii...otherwise, I shoudl purchase a XBOX ;)
That is sooooo cool! Congrats!!
Bah, following this game ever since 2007, hoping it'd finally be released on pc, and now it's going to a console :(. So sad.
I hate M$!
I hate the whole concept of exclusivity. Why limit a games player base and not allow tons of gamers to enjoy the game.... just to try and FORCE people to buy your crappy console... grrr
Makes me very mad but I hope it will come out for PC sometime in the future. So mad that everyone can't enjoy this game, you shouldn't have supported such practices but I guess you needed to for the money. sigh....
I am absolutely thrilled to hear that this games is finally out! Too bad it's on XBA first, tho I really hope to play it on my PC any time soon ! It's a like a dream come true - fantastic and absolutely brilliant graphics, insane story and gameplay and back to the old roots ! I love it! Been waiting for a long time for it.
Good job!
Seriously! Please release on Steam or PS3. I was shocked this was a multi-platform release or if it is a MS brain wash then at least have the PC as an option. Steam would net you instant sales no questions asked.
Dammit, how did I know MS was going to win out on this one? Just a huge freaking shame that I do not get to support one of my favorite artists. Michel, I am a bit sick to my stomach, and I pray you didn't toss out any other licensing opportunities with the Xbox deal.
Please Michel get the PC version out the same day as the xbla one, it's literally YEARS i'm waiting for this game and usually big names such Rockstar or Ubisoft tends to wait months to distribute pc versions of their games D:
Don't fear piracy, Steam has an enormous userbase (even more than xbla I think) and the ones willing to play it on the couch will take the console version anyway
This definitely needs a pc version...with the majority still accessing through pcs ...hoe could this whole segment of users be overlooked?We are waiting!!!
I think it would have been a perfect fit nestled in on PSN with the artier games. Long as I got an analog stick.
I'd buy it on PlayStation 3.
Honestly, I don't see why there can't be a PC version, and I find it hard to believe that Michel wouldn't consider releasing itsp for both PC and Xbox.
The Xbox is essentially a glorified computer, with Microsoft producing both the Xbox and Windows (which is what most PC users have anyway) its just a short hop to make a game compatible for both due to so many similarities in how their operating systems function.
Besides, looking at the outcry on this forum (majority mourning the fact that it is on wretched XBLA), I'm not so sure Michel can so easily dismiss his fan-base. :)
Been following the game irregulary since it was announced, but I too was it expecting on PC actually. So, please, get it to PC asap - I'm sure thats in your interest too to get a bigger audience reach :) Thank you, looking forward to play it on PC.
I think it would have been a perfect fit nestled in on PSN with the artier games, but XBLA is a great place for it as well. Long as I got an analog stick.
this game is great.but it would be really nice if i could play it...Knowing i only have a pc...:( and those kind's of game don't tend to get a pc release...:C
this game is great...i just wish i had a pc that can support xbla games....
we all have pc's
iz dis available on pc version?
I really hope it'll get released for PC eventually... This would do great on Steam!
Realy nice game
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