Thursday, October 23, 2014

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Descends Upon Mac and Linux

Shadow Planet Productions is delighted to announce the release of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet for Mac and Linux.

The brainchild of multi-media artist, Michel Gagné, and game veteran, Joe Olson, ITSP is a 2D exploration/shooter/puzzle-solving downloadable game where you control your multi-tooled flying saucer inside an alien world full of mystery, threats and wonder. ITSP was initially published on Xbox Live Arcade in summer 2010. The game enjoyed great reviews, good sales, and even took home a BAFTA and an Annie Award.

Michel Gagné explains how the ports became possible, "In late 2013, when we were told that Games for Windows Live would be retired thus rendering Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet obsolete for the PC, Joe and I saw an opportunity to amend our contract with Microsoft and expand the reach of  our game by being allowed to self-publish. We were able to handle the GFWL removal and replace it with Steamworks for the PC. Next, we ported the game for both, Mac and Linux. We've gotten many requests for a Mac version and today, we're happy to finally deliver."

ITSP is now available for Mac and Linux on Steam, and the Humble Bundle Store.


RenBear said...

I think you may have failed to include a 32-bit executable on Steam with the new patch. The game now fails to launch on 32-bit Windows XP. Navigating to the game directory and launching the EXE directly gives the error "[...]\fcengine.exe is not a valid Win32 application."

Other people are making posts in the Steam discussions indicating they are also having similar problems.

Michel Gagne said...

I haven't heard this before. Please, send this as an email to They will be happy to help you out.

psychoptimist said...

Im trying to install it and it keeps giving me an error saying Im missing msvcr120.dll. HELP please!

Michel Gagne said...

Please, email They will do their best to help you out.