Thursday, July 05, 2012

ITSP Camera Explained

Both Joe and I wanted to make sure that ITSP would look like people were watching an animated film rather than just playing a game per se. To achieve this, we needed a camera that was not only cinematic and smooth, but one that would also help stage the action and layout in a pleasing and natural fashion.

For this complicated task, we turned to two of our brilliant scripters, Ryan Meyer and Chris Eng. Here's a video of Ryan explaining some of the technical issues he was faced with while accomplishing this difficult assignment.


blob said...

I was really impressed with the smoothness and feeling of the camera during the whole game, now I know how much work was behind ! Great job

Though there was ONE area in the game where the UI went out of the screen for me :p

blob said...

I was really impressed with the smoothness and feeling of the camera during the whole game, now I know how much work was behind ! Great job

Though there was ONE area in the game where the UI went out of the screen for me :p

animad said...

Fantastic job!

animad said...

Fantastic job ! !

Anonymous said...

I liked the camera of the game. It was impressive. But the missile controls on the 360 version. I had to stop playing it because of that.
The missile controls could have been much better, and were just extremely messed up for me, and really poor, it gives of a lukewarm feel to me.
Quite sad, as the game was visually appealing to me, until I had to navigate those rockets down crooked passages.