Monday, October 27, 2008

A New Studio

Making a video game independently is no easy task, especially when you're trying to make the most epic side-scroller of all time! Because the offers from publishers that were made to us failed to meet our demands, we've decided to pursue the making of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet independently.

After many months of struggle, we finally have a nice studio space, as well as all the hardware and software needed for our project. With a crew of 8 (so far) of the industry's top talents, we're forging ahead to get this game in the hands of anxious gamers by mid-2009.

I feel fortunate to have such an amazing crew working with me and I value the friendships I've made in pursuing this challenging endeavor. I'm thankful to Joe Olson (above) for planting the seed in my brain a couple of years ago. It's amazing where life takes you when you remain open to all potentialities.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Working on the Tutorial Level

These past few weeks, I've been working hard on the tutorial level. I'm really excited about it! I wish I could share some of the new artwork but we've made the decision to keep everything under wraps for the time being, so you'll all have to be patient. Stay tuned.